Tuesday 26 June 2012

Industrial Disease Claims

                       Industrial diseases can have permanent after effects. Many a times the effect of an industrial disease does not immediately manifest itself but rather develops with the passage of time. This is because exposure to harmful chemicals, gases or unhealthy circumstances can lead to devastating health issues in the long run. After a disease manifests itself people often file for Industrial Disease Claims to pay for their medical expenditure and to claim damages for being exposed to dangerous  conditions.
The majority of industrial diseases have a permanent effect and some get worse with the passage of time. Even if you no longer work at the place that caused the damaging condition, a disease can develop years later. For example, asbestos was long used in the construction industry due to its ability to prevent fires. However, a few years later asbestos started showing its hazardous effects as many workers who were formerly engaged with the construction industry started developing diseases such as asbestos induced lung cancer.
Some of the common industrial diseases include Asbestosis, lung cancer and pleural thickening, mesothelioma. All of these diseases are caused due to asbestos. Other types of diseases include silicosis or pneumonias, which is caused by dusts found in foundries, factories, coal mines or quarries and     Bladder cancer caused by aniline dyes and chemicals. Furthermore, one can suffer from Nasalcancer (due to wood dust or industrial chemicals), asthma, hearing impairments, vibration injuries,   Dermatitis, Neurological injuries, skin cancer, etc.
Individuals who suffer from a disease caused due to workplace conditions or long term exposure to harmful substances can file for Industrial Disease Claims. In some cases if the affected individual is deceased, the claim may be filed by the family.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!

    Industrial Disease Claims
